day 24 | On being young

There's been a thing on my heart - so here it is. Being a twenty-something is absurdly transitional. Some days I feel like I'm waiting for my real life to start. I'm stuck in this place where I can actually remember when the class of 2015 was born and I'm going a bit gray, but I … Continue reading day 24 | On being young

day 14 | Climbing Kilimanjaro

I get deeply invested in (read: obsessed with) Vacation Bible School. 2015 marks my 5th consecutive year as the Pre-Primary Director (3-5 year olds). During my tenure, I've learned more than a few things about coordinating a week's worth of lessons, crafts, and activities. To get through the week without pulling my hair out, organization is the key. … Continue reading day 14 | Climbing Kilimanjaro

Monday Musings: of reluctant obedience, a serious question, and a broken heart…

1) I'm stubborn. This is not news. I also crave order and systems. In that spirit, I like to plan out my time, even if the plan then goes adorably awry. A couple of days per week, I have a gap in the middle of my day that I devote to computer work: this blog, homework, … Continue reading Monday Musings: of reluctant obedience, a serious question, and a broken heart…