The misery of merriment…

Christmas morning started like any other. My 30-year-old brother allowed me to sleep until 9 am (some kind of record, I'm sure) before decreeing that it was present time. Presents opened, I made Christmas scones and we munched happily while the roast was prepped and went into the oven. Then comes the lull, that time … Continue reading The misery of merriment…

One Year.

It's been a year since my dad died. 365 days. One year ago, on the night he died, I wrote down what I was feeling. I've been reluctant to publish these thoughts, but it seems right, it seems fitting to share them now, 365 days later. I hope you'll indulge me. I'm publishing this as … Continue reading One Year.

Hard is hard.

About a year ago, I was introduced to a TED talk given by Ash Beckham. While Beckham and I have almost comically different political leanings, her talk about finding the courage to have hard conversations really resonated with me. She reminded me that everyone has something that they are hiding, some secret pain.'s the thing: … Continue reading Hard is hard.