Let men be men by letting boys be boys.

I have something to say. I expect J to open doors for me. I expect him to walk me to my car at the end of a date. I expect him to help me with my coat and offer to carry my shopping bags (which, no joke, are usually his shopping bags). Now, I don't … Continue reading Let men be men by letting boys be boys.

The End of the Road | Internship Recap

So here we are, friends. 11 classes, 275 students, and 79 batches of GAK later, and I’m finally staring down the last week of my student teaching experience. After the first week, I wrote some tips for survival. They were all true and exceedingly helpful. But oh, how much I’ve learned in the last few … Continue reading The End of the Road | Internship Recap

day 15 | Favorite Things Friday: Education Edition

Oh, interwebs. How I love thee. There are literally thousands of teacher resources on the internet, and as I look forward to starting my teaching career, I've been stockpiling (hoarding) good advice, lesson plan ideas, and classroom organization tips. Enabled by Pinterest, I've kept a running log of all things teacher-y. Here's what I'm obsessed … Continue reading day 15 | Favorite Things Friday: Education Edition