Spring Cleaning | The emotional art of housekeeping

Growing up, one of my favorite features of the Sunday newspaper was "Hints from Heloise" a how-to column referencing all things domestic. Cleaning hacks (before they were a thing), advice for stubborn stains, and even a section from young readers aimed toward kids. My obsession with cleaning tutorials expanded to the home maintenance sections of … Continue reading Spring Cleaning | The emotional art of housekeeping

The Glories of Chores

I'm a firm believer that children who don't do chores grow up to be adults who don't know how to care for themselves.  It's all well and good to assign chores to your children, but without consistency, motivation, and/or consequences, chore time turns into a game of frustration and nagging. Enter, the chore chart. Seriously, … Continue reading The Glories of Chores

Monday Musings: of vocabulary lessons, office overboard, and a world of nope…

Happy Monday! 1) My mom and I spend a lot of time together. I mean, a lot. Which means we talk a lot. So much, in fact, that it's a wonder that we have anything to talk about anymore. I guess the secret is talking about really inane things. At a recent dinner out, we were discussing...I … Continue reading Monday Musings: of vocabulary lessons, office overboard, and a world of nope…

Monday Musings: of cleaning products, a rug in a bag, and a great lady…

It's Tuesday, but that isn't alliterative with "musings" so I'm just going to pretend. Mmkay, pumpkins? 1) When I get stressed out, I clean things. Seriously, the morning after my dad died, I cleaned my entire kitchen and bathroom. I couldn't control what was happening in my life, but I could absolutely control how clean … Continue reading Monday Musings: of cleaning products, a rug in a bag, and a great lady…

If this is going to ruin our friendship, just walk away…

So Emily has this problem.... I call it "Waytoomuch(stuff)ititus". Between moving from home to school and back again and trying to keep her ever burgeoning wardrobe under control, she's in way over her head, and has been lamenting her plight to me all summer.  So last week I finally relented and offered to help.  We … Continue reading If this is going to ruin our friendship, just walk away…